Report on our meeting 30-03-2023. End grain turning by Errol Levings.

Our meeting this week on Thursday 30th March 2023 was organized by Errol Levings, his subject for this meeting was mainly End Grain Turning, he had arranged for all 5 of our lathes to be working, 3 turners were doing End Grain Turning, 1 turner was making a table leg using an offset method and 1 turner was making use of an Ash Canker to make a bowl.

Continue reading “Report on our meeting 30-03-2023. End grain turning by Errol Levings.”

0ur meeting this week, 30-03-2023, End grain turning.

Start time 6.45pm

Our meeting this week 30th March 2023, is all about end grain turning, it’s being handled by Errol Levings and he has arranged for 4 other turners and himself to man all the lathes.

End grain turning needs to be approached from a completely different way to that of face grain turning, no doubt Errol and those involved on the lathes will be demonstrating and discussing some of the changes in approach that’s required.

Continue reading “0ur meeting this week, 30-03-2023, End grain turning.”

Our meeting this week, 16-03-2023, Showtime.

Start time 6.45pm

Our meeting this week 16th March 2023 is a Showtime meeting. This meeting is being organized by Peter Lawrence and the Compere for the meeting will be Alec Mutch.

The usual format applies, bring any items you have made to the show and let the rest of the members see what you have been working on, do remember you are allowed to bring more than one item to the show, we would like you to say a few words about the things you have made, what they are made from and what inspired you to make them.

Continue reading “Our meeting this week, 16-03-2023, Showtime.”

Our meeting this week 02-03-2023 A demonstration by Alec Mutch.

Our meeting this week Thursday 2nd March 2023 is a demonstration by Alec Mutch, I will be making an end grain turned vase using green timber and the use of a light source, this will be a solo presentation by me and you will all get a seat.

I have done one of these for the club some time back, 31st October 2019, but with all the new members who have joined our club since then I felt it was time to repeat this programme.

Here are a few pictures from that event on the 31st October 2023 to remind those who have seen it before, and to those who have not seen this being done I hope you find it interesting.

Here I am removing material from the inside of the vase.
The light source about to be put to use.
The light source now beginning to show why it’s used, all will be explained at the meeting.
The vase almost complete, you will note that the outside is done last, all will be explained.

I do hope you find my demonstration both educational and entertaining, I will be bringing a few other end grain turnings with me, the purpose is to show the effects of good and bad design, I think the design of any item is very important and should be uppermost in your mind when designing your turnings.

Also in this report I can tell you that we had another Training Evening on Thursday 23rd February 2023, this was organized by Nick Simpson, there were 3 lathes in use for this training session, I was on lathe 2 with Paul Hibberd working on his bowl technique. David Ross was on lathe 3 with Stephen Dunphy working on using a skew chisel. Nick Simpson was on lathe 4 with Daniel Stewart working on a small bowl and a small scoop, assessing Daniels standard of work. All 3 pupils were assessed as progressing well.

We are looking to have a good turnout, and do remember the closing date for re-joining the club in 2023 is the 28th February 2023. The usual raffles will be on sale and there will be coffee available for a small donation.

Our meeting this week, a pub style quiz organised by Nick Simpson and David Hobson.

Our meeting on Thursday 16th February 2023 is a Pub style quiz, it has been organised by Nick Simpson and David Hobson.

Start time of 6.45pm

The HWC Pub quiz competition will cover subjects like, Identifying Wood samples, Name Tools, Woodturning knowledge, Trivia knowledge and possibly some more topics.

As you arrive you will all be given a number, Nick and David will then select teams of 5 or 6 to be at a table, they are hoping for at least 5 tables taking part. Each table will then be given the same questions to answer, the table with the most correct answers will be the winners. There are no prizes for this quiz, it’s all just a bit of fun but with some interesting facts being gleaned along the way.

There will be a short interval half way through the competition for refreshments, tea, coffee and a few cakes etc will be provided by Richard Comfort free of charge.

All the questions have been set by Nick Simpson.

We will have the usual raffle, and a good turnout would be appreciated. Any member still wishing to pay their subscriptions in cash can do so at this meeting to Alan Geddes, do remember that if you have not paid by the 28th February that you will be considered as having given up your membership and may need to go onto the waiting list again.

Report on our AGM meeting on 02-02-2023 and our Committee meeting on 04-02-2023.

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on the 2nd February 2023, this meeting would determine who would be Chairperson and who would be on the Committee for the period from February 2023 until February 2024. In addition to electing the Chairperson and the Committee there were some changes made to the Club’s Constitution this was also discussed and accepted by the membership present and to take immediate effect.

Continue reading “Report on our AGM meeting on 02-02-2023 and our Committee meeting on 04-02-2023.”

This week’s meeting, OUR AGM on 2nd February 2023.

Our meeting this week is our AGM (Annual General Meeting).

Your are all invited to attend this meeting, it will start at the usual time of 6.45pm and last approximately 1 hour.

The meeting agenda will be as follows.

HIGHLAND WOODTURNERS CLUB, Club Premises, Munlochy Village Hall
AGM 2023 – THURSDAY 2nd FEBRUARY 6.45pm at Munlochy
1. To receive and adopt the Minutes from the previous AGM of 3rd Feb 2022.
2. To receive and adopt the Chairperson’s report.
3. To receive and adopt the Treasurer’s report and verified annual accounts covering
the affairs of the Club during the previous year. Also to discuss and vote on an increase in the club subscriptions.
4. To vote for or against the adoption of the proposed Amended Constitution.
5. To dissolve the current Committee.
6. The election and appointment of the new Chairperson. ( Alec Mutch nominated at
the time of printing )
7. The election of the rest of the Committee. ( Peter Lawrence, Alan Geddes, Geoff
Potter, John Ruickbie, Errol Levings, Nick Simpson, David Line, David Hobson, Alan
Smith, Susan Drew– a total of 10 no. – all wish to continue and have been
nominated at the time of printing ).
8. To receive and decide on any other competent motions on the running of the Club.

After the AGM agenda has been concluded, we intend to keep the premises open and the treasurer and secretary will be present to receive your club subscriptions for 2023.