Our next virtual meeting 26-11-2020, Lamp bases.

Our next meeting should be held on Thursday 26th November 2020, but due to the Covid-19 restrictions still in place this meeting will now be held virtually. The meeting was to be arranged by Cliff Sim and Cliff’s theme for the meeting was making lamp bases, any type of lamp can be made it’s your choice. Remember there are other types of lamps that can be made and from lots of different sources even recycling from something else.

I will give you a couple of examples on what I mean from recycling,

This lamp and small bowl were made from 2 bowling balls that I recycled, I will give you the full procedure for this lamp base in the next post after I have received your entries.
This lamp too was made from a recycled table leg, only the base plate was new and had to be stained to match the original part of the table leg. I had 4 of these, all were made into lamps the rest of the table was made into various other items mainly on the lathe.

You are all invited to take part in Cliff’s lamp bases, don’t let him down by not entering, we want to see a very good entry from as many of you as possible.

Don’t worry about making just the base without all the electrical bit and bobs, it’s your idea for the base we want to see, we all know what the other bits look like.

Get your entries to me by the end of the day on Friday 27th November and I will post them on our web site, we need a good response.

Pictures and text to;


Do remember the clubhouse remains closed.

Report on our virtual meeting 12-11-2020

Our meeting on the 12th November 2020 had to be made into a virtual meeting due to the Covid-19 restrictions still being in operation. The meeting was to be arranged by Cliff Sim his theme was to be making wooden boxes on the lathe. We kept to the theme when we asked you all to make a box or two for the virtual meeting. The response was very poor with only 4 people taking part, those were David Ross, Dave Line , Nick Simpson and myself.

I will give you a feel for what sent in and a following gallery of all the entries along with some comments from each turner.

Made by Dave Line.
Made by David Ross.
Made by Nick Simpson.

Here is the picture gallery of all the entries, just click any picture for a larger view and also for the text attached to each picture.

We do hope this gallery of some of the members work will encourage you to also take part in future posts. It’s not difficult, don’t get too hung up on being perfect with everything, we would just like to see you taking part, I’ll doctor the pictures if needed and also deal with the text that you give me, so please do take part.

The next meeting will also be a virtual meeting again being organised by Cliff Sim and for this meeting Cliff would like to see you making lamp bases, any type, any size. This meeting is scheduled for the 26th November 2020.

Once you have made your lamp base send the pictures to me along with some information on what you have made, don’t worry if you do not have all the electrical parts needed, we all know what they look like, what we want to see is the lamp base you produce.

Our next virtual meeting 12-11-2020 Boxes.

Our next meeting should be on the 12th November 2020, it was to be organised by Cliff Sim but due to the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions this meeting will now be a virtual meeting. Cliff had wanted the meeting to feature making boxes, we can still make some boxes for Cliff, all you have to do is make a box or 2, any shape any size, once made photograph them and send the pictures to me for publication, give me some info on your box or boxes, things like the size and the wood it’s made from.

I will give you some pictures of the type of thing you could make, the first picture has quite a few boxes you could use for ideas, the second lot of pictures will be in a picture gallery of individual boxes with some instructions on how they were made. Pick a box or 2 from any of the pictures and see if you can make one or 2 similar.

Here are a few examples of turned boxes that may help you to select a design you like and that you will copy, any slight variation would be more than welcome, or you could just make a box or 2 of your own design.

The picture Gallery follows, here you will see 10 different boxes with some instruction on how they were made. Just click any of the pictures to get a bigger picture and to be able to read the text.

Come on everyone make a box or 2 and make Cliff happy, you have no excuse if it’s ideas you need you have them here.

Once you make your box or boxes, send your pictures to me at;


You have until Friday the 13th November 2020 to get your entries to me for publication on our club web site. I look forward to seeing them.

Do remember the clubhouse remains closed.

Report on our virtual meeting 29-10-2020

Our meeting on the 29th October was to be a demonstration by Andy Walter of Black Isle Woodturning, it was being organised by Jim Kelman but this had to be changed into a virtual meeting due to the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions.

As there was no theme to work from we asked you all to make something of your own choosing and send the pictures to me for publication on our web site. There were only 2 people responded to this request other than myself, they are Dave Line and Nick Simpson, so thank you Dave and Nick for taking the time to make and send your work to me.

I will give you just a little taste of what’s in the gallery this week,

This is from Dave Line.
This is from Nick Simpson.
This was from me, Alec Mutch.

The rest of the entries are in the gallery that follows along with some information on all of them.

To see a larger picture of any of the gallery images just click the picture.

Our next meeting on the 12th November 2020 will also be a virtual meeting, it was to be organised by Cliff Sim on the subject of boxes. Lets see if we can all do better for the next meeting, we need you to make a box or boxes and send the pictures of them to me, you have 11 days to do this, don’t disappoint me.

Do remember the clubhouse remains closed.

This weeks meeting 29-10-2020 Demo by Andy Walters.

This weeks meeting on Thursday 29th October 2020 was to be a demonstration by Andy Walters of Black Isle Woodturning, this was being organised by Jim Kelman however with the Covid-19 restrictions still in place this has been changed to a virtual meeting now. Andy will not be demonstrating but we invite you all to send in some pictures of your latest turnings along with a bit of information about each article.

We are not going to put any particular criteria on what to make as long as you make something and then send them to me for publication.

We have a few very dedicated people in the club that send in articles on a very regular basis and we very much appreciate these people, however I would like to see the number of these increase, do remember that you do not have to be an expert on anything you are making, we would like to see them anyway, come on some of you novices to the club and woodturning show us what you have been doing.

This is Andy Walters of Black Isle Woodturning, most of you will have seen him at previous demonstrations, this picture was taken at his annual visit in 2018.
This picture was taken at the 2018 demonstration that Andy Walters was about to start as the members began to take up their seats.
This is the finished product that Andy Walters made at the 2018 demonstration, a nice bowl in local Ash.
Andy Walters also did a demonstration in 2019 for the club, this is the item he made on that occasion, a very nice Quaich (traditional whisky vessel).

We are not asking you to make anything like the Quaich, but we are asking you to make something, anything at all and do send me the pictures.

You will have up to Friday 30th October to send me your pictures, send them to me at,


Good luck with your turning and do remember the clubhouse remains closed.

Report on our virtual meeting 15-10-2020 making pens.

Our meeting on the 15th October 2020 was going to be mainly about making pens, it was to have been organised by Jim Kelman however with the Covid-19 restrictions still in place this meeting had to be moved to a virtual meeting.

I invited all of you to enter a pen or something else if you did not have the kit to make a pen, anything that used a brass tube like a key ring or some other item that made use of some elements of a kit, and failing all of that just to enter something you had made.

The response was as usual very poor, but I must thank all of those who did take part and some who did not take part because I have included some work from them.

You will see in the Gallery I have included some pictures of items made by our members that are clearly not a pen or have anything to do with any kit, I make no apologies for including these items, indeed to the contrary I have included a couple of items I made recently that I felt could be shown.

To see a larger picture on any of the gallery images just click the picture, you will also be able to see the text that goes with each picture.

Our next meeting is due on the 29th October, again being organised by Jim Kelman, he had arranged for Andy Walters of Black Isle Woodturning to give us a demonstration, this will not be taking place, instead we will have a virtual meeting on any subject you prefer, lets see if we can improve on the numbers taking part for this next meeting.

Do remember the clubhouse remains closed.

Our next virtual meeting 15-10-2020.

Our next virtual meeting will be on the 15th October 2020, the subject matter is pens, it was to be organised by Jim Kelman but with the Covid-19 restrictions still being in place this meeting will now be held virtually. You are all invited to make a pen or pens, they can be made from any material you wish, be it wood, acrylic or even metal just as long as you make something. You could also use this meeting to make anything that contains a brass tube, like a key ring holder or an atomizer.

There may be some of you who do not have any of the brass tubing or the pen mechanisms, in which case we would be very pleased to see any entry you wish to put forward.

Here are a couple of pictures of pens made in previous meetings.

Here we have a selection of pens plus a key ring.
Some pens made from Aluminium.

Do try to take part in this meeting, we would all love to see your examples.

You will have until the end of the day on Friday 16th October to send me you pictures.

Send them to me at, a.j.mutch4321@btinternet.com

Do remember the clubhouse remains closed.

Report on Showtime virtual meeting 01-10-2020

Our Showtime virtual meeting was on Thursday 1st October 2020, it was to be organised by myself but due to the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions had to be done as a virtual meeting. The response was less than good, with only 4 members taking part, those were Dave Line Nick Simpson, David Ross and myself.

The Showtime meeting have generally attracted a very good response when held in the clubhouse with 15 to 20 members taking part, why it should be so different when it’s a virtual meeting leaves me somewhat puzzled. However we are where we are and I am pleased to see we did get some response, all be it from the usual few members.

I will give you a taste of what’s in the gallery for this meeting, firstly from Dave Line,

This blank of Spalted Beech was Dave’s first entry, you will see there is a large crack through the blank, you will see in the gallery what Dave did about it and how it turned out.

Now an entry from Nick Simpson, Nick supplied 6 pictures that can be viewed in the gallery section along with an explanation on all, see below what Nick Had to say about his entry.

Hello Alec
Here is my Showtime entry
In 2018 I spent some time experimenting with mathematical spirals as a decoration for bowls and plaques. The method was to follow the arc of various spiral forms by creating off-centre bowls of increasing or decreasing size. Nick Simpson.

Next is an entry from David Ross, David supplied 3 pictures, all can be viewed in the gallery section.

Hi Alec
 I have two items to show one is this painted bowl the other is an open segmented vase I only have one photo as my daughter claimed it as soon as it was made and a decorated bowl. Regards David Ross. 

Now for one of my own turnings, I have put forward several for you all to see, these can all be viewed in the gallery section, I have added a bit of information about all of them.

This bowl was made for a couples granddaughter as a commemorative piece.

The picture Gallery now follows,

For a bigger picture of any of the items shown in the Gallery just click the picture, you will also see some text about the subject.

Our next Virtual meeting was to be on the 15th October 2020 on the subject of making pens, this meeting was to be organised by Jim Kelman.

Do remember the clubhouse remains closed.

Our next virtual meeting 01-10-2020

Our next meeting should have been this Thursday 1st October 2020, it was to be organised by Mike Day, but with the Covid-19 restrictions still in force this will now be a virtual meeting. The meeting is a Showtime meeting, that’s where you would have been invited to bring along things you have made to show the rest of the members and give a short talk on what you had made. This type of meeting in the past had proved very successful with lots of the members bringing in items to show, we do not want to see a drop off in this just because it’s now a virtual meeting, do try to send in pictures of any items you have made and give me some information about them.

Here are a few pictures of some of the past Showtime meetings, I hope they will encourage you to take part.

These are just some of the items shown at a meeting held on the 30th August 2018.
Again from a previous meeting this time it was held on the 15th February 2018.
These pictures were from another Showtime meeting held on the 21st June 2018
More examples of some of the items shown at a previous meeting.

Do try to take part and remember you are not limited to just one item to show, you can have as many as you like. Send your pictures to me before the end of the day on Friday 2nd October 2020 for inclusion in the next post.

Send your pictures to me at, a.j.mutch4321@btinternet.com

Do remember the clubhouse remains closed.

Report on our virtual meeting 17-09-2020 bowls night.

Our virtual meeting on Thursday 17th September was to be a Bowls night, it was to be organised by John Ruickbie but due to Covid-19 restrictions had to be made into a virtual meeting. John also sends his apologies for not putting forward a bowl, family commitments did not allow him sufficient time to send anything in. However we did get a few of our members to send in some pictures, I am going to deal with them in 2 lots, firstly some individual bowl pictures from Nick Simpson and Dave Line, and secondly a few pictures from David Ross and myself where we are both showing a few bowls from different aspects.

We will start with Nick Simpson’s entry,

This is Nick Simpson’s bowl and here is what he had to say about it.

Hi Alec

Here is an entry for the virtual bowl show.

 The picture shows a simple bowl in cherry wood measuring 8”  (200mm) diameter. The wavy line though the bowl is the graft of ornamental cherry on to wild cherry stock.I had to keep the lathe speed down because the different densities of the two woods kept the piece well out of balance until the walls were only a little thicker than the final item. It illustrates that even simple turnings can be special if the pattern and figure of the stock is exploited.

 Best wishes

Nick Simpson.

Now for Dave Line’s entries, Dave put in 3 bowls.

I am sending in 3, the first is my first attempt at segmented turning. You can see that the segments do not line up, this is due to inaccurate measuring but with practice you get better.
It is made from Ash, Sycamore and Sapele and is about 170mm dia and 130mm high.

The second is my first attempt at open segmented turning, it is made from Sycamore and Sapele and is about 140mm dia and 80mm high. The burning rings were made with a bit of formica from an old kitchen worktop.
The third is just a bowl made from Spalted Beech. The problem I had with this was tearing  when turning, this was overcome by sealing with  sanding sealer then finishing with a very sharp tool.
Dave Line.

For the last 2 lots of entries I have used the picture gallery to show these entries, each picture contains more than one image along with some text. The first 4 are from David Ross, the last 3 are from myself, Alec Mutch.

If you would like to see a larger picture of any of those in the picture gallery, just click the picture, you will also see some text with every picture.

Do remember the clubhouse remains closed.