Competition report from 21-02-2019

Our competition on the 21st February 2019 was all about making a turned box. The number of entries for the novice group were very good, as was the number of entries for the experienced group, however the intermediate group had far fewer entries, this has a lot to do with the way the groupings are arrived at and that is something the club is going to address for future competitions. The standard of work in all 3 groups was excellent which made the judging very difficult, it was hard to pick a winner, the judging was done by Alec Mutch and Gordon Leitch. The pictures for the competition were taken by Alec Mutch. In addition to the competition all of our 5 lathes were in operation during the whole event with the turners doing their own things, 2 of those turners were on the lathes for the first time at the club. The pictures for these turners were taken by Alec Mutch and Phil Moore.

For a larger picture and some more information click on any picture.

This week’s competition.

You only have a few days left to make a box for this week’s competition on Thursday 21st February 2019. We want to see lots of entries from all 3 categories, if you need any inspiration, there are quite a lot of box designs and ideas on this web site , good luck with your entry and do remember there is a £25 prize for each of the winners in all 3 categories. There will also be all 5 lathes in operation during the evening whilst the competition judging is going on, there should be something for everyone to see and enjoy.

2019 AGM report.

Our AGM on Thursday 7th February 2019 went very well. We had a very good turnout of members and all the existing committee members were present. The chairman made an opening statement, followed by the secretary presenting the minutes of the previous AGM. The chairman did a report on the years events, that was followed by the treasurer giving a report on the financial status. Topics discussed were , the constitution, skype and the internet, membership fees and training fees. As the committee had shrunk to just 7, we voted a few more members onto the committee taking it back up to 12. There were a few items raised under A.O.B. that the chair announced would be discussed at the first committee meeting.

The committee would like to thank all of you who attended the AGM. For a larger picture and some more information, click any of the pictures.

AGM this Thursday 7th February 2019.

Our AGM is to be held this Thursday 7th February 2019, start time of 18.45pm. We are looking for a good turnout as there are positions to be filled on the committee.

This is likely to be a shorter meeting than normal as there won’t be anything happening out with the AGM business.

Yes, we have all been there at some time in our turning experiences.

Club meeting on Thursday 24th January 2019.

Our club meeting on Thursday evening 24th January 2019 was a one to one meeting, where an experienced member would take a less experienced member through the process of doing something that they find challenging, this could be some element of turning or it could be sharpening the tools. We had 3 lathes in operation and the sharpening station. Bill Munro was showing Dave Line some of the finer points of spindle turning. Errol Levings was doing long hole boring with Graham Charge, (Graham is a new member to our club). David Hay was at the sharpening station demonstrating the art of sharpening, we had asked the members to bring in a tool to get reground or sharpened, suffice to say David was kept very busy. Lastly I Alec Mutch was demonstrating the use of a bowl gouge with Bill Henderson, Bill has been using tipped tools thus far but now felt it was time to try and use the gouge. The turn out of members was very good and the evening went very well, Peter Lawrence was the manager for this session.

Click any picture for a full sized picture and some text.

All the pictures were taken by Mike Day

Club Meeting 24th January 2019

Our club meeting is on Thursday evening 24th January 2019, this will be a one to one meeting where an experienced turner takes a less experienced turner through the process of doing a part of turning they are finding they need a little help with. There will be 2 turners working the lathes David Hutcheson will be going through the process of spindle turning with Dave Line, I will be going through the use of a bowl gouge with Bill Henderson, David Hay is going to deal with sharpening, and we invite you to bring in a tool you think might benefit from some expert advice. John Ruickbie is going to take a novice turner through the process of getting started, this will include a talk on safety, some sharpening and some lathe work. This session is being managed by Peter Lawrence.

Oh how things used to be! no electric motor here nor any high speed tools.

Late update for Thursday’s meeting, David Hutcheson can’t be there due to other commitments, however his place has been filled by Bill Munro so the spindle turning with Bill and Dave line will go ahead as planned.

Christmas Meeting – Date Change!

Please note that the end of year Christmas meeting has been moved from the usual Thursday to WEDNESDAY 19th DECEMBER (usual 6:45 start time).

Our original date would have clashed with another group’s meeting in the hall above.

There’s lots happening at the next one:

Christmas Raffle and Open Competition

German Christmas Market Theme, subjects as below:

Spinning Top.

Table Decoration:

An object for a centre display, for example, a tea-light or candle powered carousel as described in the November and December 2017 Woodturning Magazine.

Christmas Tree Decoration:

A broad title which includes tree decoration items, baubles and the like either solid or hollow form. Perhaps a Christmas tree to hang an array of baubles on. Perhaps, with miniature electronics available these days, could be illuminated with LED, for example.

Christmas Figures:

Figures such as robins, small Christmas trees, snowmen, Santa Clauses, a Christmas scene not entered as a table decoration. And so forth.

This weeks meeting.

Our meeting this week, Thursday 6th December is all about making Christmas decorations, there should be 5 turners on the lathes making their interpretations of Christmas decorations. We are expecting a high turn out as usual and don’t forget to buy the Christmas raffles, any donations by way of prizes would be very welcome as well.

We hope you all have a very pleasant evening.