Report on our meeting 09-12-2021, Demonstration by Andy Walters.

Our meeting on Thursday 9th December 2021 was a demonstration by Andy Walters, Andy is the proprietor of Black Isle Woodturning and is self employed in this business. He agreed to do a demonstration for our club by making a Candle Lantern, this involved making a top and a bottom out of wood that were turned and a paper centre piece perforated to allow the light to shine through, he used an electronic candle for lighting the lantern.

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Our meeting this week 09-12-2021 a demonstration by Andy Walters.

Start time of 6.45pm

Our meeting this week on Thursday 9th December 2021 is going to be a demonstration by Andy Walters, Andy is going to be demonstrating how to make a Candle Lantern. Being that I was unsure of what Andy meant by saying he would make a Candle Lantern, I asked him to send me a couple of pictures if he had them, the pictures duly arrived and you can see them below.

Andy is the proprietor of Black Isle Woodturning and runs training classes for would be turners, most of his other work is from commissions, Andy has demonstrated for our club on several occasions over the years and was asked by Jim Kelman to do a demo in 2020 which was cancelled due to the Covid restrictions, however Andy will be attending this time and we hope you enjoy his presentation.

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Report on our meeting 25-11-2021 Demonstration by David Hutcheson.

Our meeting on Thursday25th November 2021 was a demonstration by David Hutcheson, David’s theme for the evening was to be making Christmas decorations, he had brought along a few examples of Christmas decorations that he had made, one of which was a snowman. It was to be another snowman that David was to make.

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Our meeting this week 25-11-2021 a demonstration by David Hutcheson.

Start time 6.45pm

Our meeting this week on Thursday 25th November 2021 is going to be a demonstration by David Hutcheson. David is going to be making some Christmas decorations, I’m not entirely sure what type of decorations he will be making as there are so many different types of decoration available to make, but I’m sure David will make some interesting items for Christmas, you too will have time to try your hand at making some of these.

Please be aware that the hall also have a meeting on Thursday 25th Nov 2021 from 7pm to 9pm, parking could be a problem, you would be well advised to use the public car park down the road from the hall.

Continue reading “Our meeting this week 25-11-2021 a demonstration by David Hutcheson.”

Report on our meeting 11-11-2021 Demonstration by George Burgess.

Our meeting on Thursday 11th November 2021 was a demonstration by George Burgess, George was to make as he called it a “Banana Bowl” now if your are wondering what exactly he meant by “Banana Bowl” well it’s a bowl made from a log split in half forming a “D” shape then turned, what makes it into a “Banana Bowl” is the fact that the half log is 3 times longer than it is wide. The wood George chose for the bowl was a piece of Laburnum, it’s a good wood to work, pale olive green heartwood with pale cream colour to the sap wood, as it dries the cut ends turn a dark chocolate brown, but the pale green colour will be present even after it’s dried and worked, it does however eventually turn dark brown from the effects of UV light, a process that effects all woods, some more dramatically than others.

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Our meeting this week 11-11-21 Demo by George Burgess.

Start time 6.45pm.

Our meeting this week, Thursday 11th November 2021 is a demonstration by George Burgess, George is going to demonstrate making a “Banana Bowl”, this is a bowl that is longer than the diameter usually made from a piece of branch wood, however I will leave that to George to explain when he comes to do his demonstration.

Continue reading “Our meeting this week 11-11-21 Demo by George Burgess.”

Our venue upgraded.

I thought you might like to see what we have done with our club premises as a result of the Covid pandemic. Our club premises needed some upgrading to reduce the possibility of Covid being transmitted to or by our club members. This included having to improve the ventilation, install a full dust extraction system to all 5 lathes, set up a sanitising station, keep very accurate records of attendees for track and trace if it were ever needed, we also managed to increase the space between each lathe by repositioning the machines, this allows us more space for the members who are observing the turners. We also did some general housekeeping by giving all the floors a fresh coat of paint.

Continue reading “Our venue upgraded.”

Our next meeting, 28-10-2021 Demonstration by David Ross.

Our next meeting is on Thursday 28th October 2021, start time of 6.45pm. The meeting is a demonstration by David Ross, David is going to use a Sea Urchin as part of his design for an ornamental turning, these are very fragile items to work with so a great deal of care needs to go into the method of use, I have no doubt David has done this many times in the past and I’m sure we will all be most interested to see how he goes about his task.

Continue reading “Our next meeting, 28-10-2021 Demonstration by David Ross.”

Report on our meeting 14-10-2021 Texturing by Errol Levings.

Our meeting this week, Thursday 14th October was a demonstration by Errol Levings on the subject of texturing your work pieces. Errol brought a few different texturing tools to the demo along with some pieces he had made earlier. He went on to explain what the tools did and what he used to create some of the items he had on show. He told everyone that he wasn’t going to make anything in particular, the demo would be more benefit to everyone he he just showed what the tools can do on various pieces of wood. Errol went on to say this was very much a learning curve for everyone including himself.

Continue reading “Report on our meeting 14-10-2021 Texturing by Errol Levings.”