Report on our meeting on 18th April 2019, making repairs in woodturning.

Our club meeting on the 18th April 2019 was organized by David Hay, his main theme for the meeting was how to make repairs in woodturning. David would be the main contributor to this type of work, however he had also arranged for 3 other members to be demonstrating their own things, these were David Hutcheson on a lathe, he would make a container for holding and storing sanding sealer, Mark Sutton also on a lathe, he would make a small Japanese style tea bowl, and Mark Dale was tasked with doing some hand carving and would make a large spoon or serving ladle. The turnout of members was very good and the evening went well, each demonstrator seemed to get a fair share of the attendees.

For a larger picture and some text, click any picture.

Report on our meeting on Thursday 4th April 2019, using a bowl saver tool.

Our meeting on the 4th April 2019 was mainly about the use of a bowl saver tool, this tool gives the user the ability to take more than 1 bowl out of a single blank making it a very useful tool especially if the blank is quite unusual or expensive. David Hay was the demonstrator and he did an excellent job of demonstrating exactly how it worked. In addition to the bowl saver demonstration, David had also arranged for 3 more turners to work the lathes, all of these turners were doing different things on the lathes, Colin MacKenzie was making a shallow platter in native Elm, Douglas Stewart was making wooden fruit, he did an apple in Yew wood and a pear in Cherry wood, David Hobson was making finials out of a piece of Mahogany. The turnout was very good, the evening started with the committee having one of their regular meetings prior to the start of the main meeting.

If you want to see a larger picture and some text click on any picture.

Report from our latest meeting 21st March 2019.

Our latest meeting on the 21st March 2019 was all about working with natural edges. There were 5 turners working the lathes, Bill Munro, John Ruickbie, Bob Chisholm, David Hutcheson and myself. The turnout for the meeting was very good and John Cheadle did all the introductions . The pictures were taken by Mike Day and Phil Moore.

If you want to see a larger picture and some more detail, click any picture.

Club Demonstration 7th March 2019, working with Pebeo paints.

Our club meeting on Thursday 7th March 2019 was a demonstration by Alec Mutch on the use of Pebeo paints in woodturning. These paints can be used to enhance the appearance of an otherwise plain or bland piece of wood, making their use very valuable. The following set of pictures will take you through the making of a shallow plate and also the paints being put to use. Most of the pictures were taken by Richard Comfort with a few of my own taken at my workshop. The turnout for the meeting was excellent.

For a larger picture and some more information, click any picture.

Competition report from 21-02-2019

Our competition on the 21st February 2019 was all about making a turned box. The number of entries for the novice group were very good, as was the number of entries for the experienced group, however the intermediate group had far fewer entries, this has a lot to do with the way the groupings are arrived at and that is something the club is going to address for future competitions. The standard of work in all 3 groups was excellent which made the judging very difficult, it was hard to pick a winner, the judging was done by Alec Mutch and Gordon Leitch. The pictures for the competition were taken by Alec Mutch. In addition to the competition all of our 5 lathes were in operation during the whole event with the turners doing their own things, 2 of those turners were on the lathes for the first time at the club. The pictures for these turners were taken by Alec Mutch and Phil Moore.

For a larger picture and some more information click on any picture.

2019 AGM report.

Our AGM on Thursday 7th February 2019 went very well. We had a very good turnout of members and all the existing committee members were present. The chairman made an opening statement, followed by the secretary presenting the minutes of the previous AGM. The chairman did a report on the years events, that was followed by the treasurer giving a report on the financial status. Topics discussed were , the constitution, skype and the internet, membership fees and training fees. As the committee had shrunk to just 7, we voted a few more members onto the committee taking it back up to 12. There were a few items raised under A.O.B. that the chair announced would be discussed at the first committee meeting.

The committee would like to thank all of you who attended the AGM. For a larger picture and some more information, click any of the pictures.

Club meeting on Thursday 24th January 2019.

Our club meeting on Thursday evening 24th January 2019 was a one to one meeting, where an experienced member would take a less experienced member through the process of doing something that they find challenging, this could be some element of turning or it could be sharpening the tools. We had 3 lathes in operation and the sharpening station. Bill Munro was showing Dave Line some of the finer points of spindle turning. Errol Levings was doing long hole boring with Graham Charge, (Graham is a new member to our club). David Hay was at the sharpening station demonstrating the art of sharpening, we had asked the members to bring in a tool to get reground or sharpened, suffice to say David was kept very busy. Lastly I Alec Mutch was demonstrating the use of a bowl gouge with Bill Henderson, Bill has been using tipped tools thus far but now felt it was time to try and use the gouge. The turn out of members was very good and the evening went very well, Peter Lawrence was the manager for this session.

Click any picture for a full sized picture and some text.

All the pictures were taken by Mike Day

Christmas Competition & raffle draw.

A view of some of the many prizes on offer.
Another view of the prizes, Colin McRae (seated) was handling the prize giving along with Jim Kelman who did the draw.
These were the entries for the “Novice” category.
These were the entries for the “Intermediate” category.
These were the entries for the “Experienced” category.
This was the winning entry in the “Novice” category, the winner was Winston Amos.
This was the winning entry in the “Intermediate” category, the winner was Bill Henderson.
This was the winning entry in the “Experienced” category, the winner was David Ross.
Other winners in each category who were awarded a shield for the points based system for all entries in all the competitions for the year 2018 were,
Novice     David Line.
Intermediate    David Hobson.
Experienced     David Hay.

Congratulations to all the winners.

We hope to see even more entries in the competitions in the coming year 2019.

Christmas Decorations 6th Dec 2018

These are the pictures from our last club meeting held on Thursday evening 6th December 2018. There were 5 lathes in operation and the theme for the evening was to make Christmas Decorations. 5 turners were scheduled to do the decorations but one turner had to withdraw due to unforseen circumstances, David Ross did an impromptu session replacing the absent turner.

To see larger pictures from the gallery below and see the text, click on any picture.