Our next meeting 23-05-2024 our 2nd Shield Competition for 2024 organized by Nick Simpson.

Start time 6.45pm.

Our 2nd Shield Competition for 2024 will be held on Thursday 23rd May 2024, it’s being organized by Nick Simpson, assisted by David Hobson and Susan Drew. Nick’s subjects for this Competition is to make wooden cutlery. He has set a slightly different task for each category, the Novice category are to make a Scoop, the Intermediate category are to make a Matching Ladle or Spoon, the Open category are to make a Set of 4 matching Ladle’s or Spoons.

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Report on our meeting 09-05-2024, organized by Keith Brown.

Our meeting on Thursday 9th May 2024 was organized by Keith Brown, Keith had arranged to have 4 turners demonstrating how to use some of the ancillary pieces of equipment that are available to woodturners, this also included some jigs that could be made by the turner to assist in their woodturning. The 5th Lathe was to be used by Daniel Stewart to demonstrate how to make some of the items that were to be made in the up and coming competition on the 23rd May 2024, a useful prelude to the competition.

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Our next meeting, 09-05-2024 organized by Keith Brown.

Start time 6.45pm

Our meeting this Thursday 9th May 2024 has been organized by Keith Brown, Keith is new to woodturning and wanted to know how to use a set of bowl jaws, he has arranged this meeting to get our resident turners to show him how this piece of equipment is used, in addition to this the meeting subject has been expanded to include working with various Jigs and wooden aids.

Continue reading “Our next meeting, 09-05-2024 organized by Keith Brown.”

Report on our meeting 25-04-2024, organized by Dave Line, a Showtime Meeting.

Our meeting on Thursday 25th April 2024 was a Showtime Meeting, it was organized by Dave Line and handled very efficiently, Dave had asked for the members to bring in an item or items they had made recently or otherwise and to say a few words about what they had made. A good number of items were brought in some were of single entries whilst others were putting forward more than one item, and that was good to see. The items brought in were wide ranging and very well made by everybody.

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Our meeting this week 11-04-2024, organized by Alan Geddes.

Start time 6,45pm.

Our meeting on Thursday 11th April 2024 is being organized by Alan Geddes, Alan has chosen to have an open programme for this meeting, with no subject in mind, the turners will have the freedom to make whatever they like. Alan has organized for all 5 lathes to be working, he will man one and he has another 4 turners to man all our lathes.

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Report on our meeting 28-03-2024, a demonstration by Mark Sutton.

Our meeting on Thursday 28th March was organized by David Hobson, David had invited Mark Sutton to do a solo demonstration on some of Mark’s favourite subjects, mainly texturing and colouring. Mark is one of the remaining founding members of this club but due to work commitments he was not able to attend although he maintained his membership throughout.

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Our next meeting 28-03-2024. Organized by David Hobson. An invitation to Mark Sutton to put on a turning demonstration.

Start time 6.45pm

Our next meeting has been organized by David Hobson, David extended an invitation to Mark Sutton to put on a turning demonstration, which he has accepted to do. Mark is one of our club members and one of the initial group that founded the club in 2005.

The club was formed by a few like minded people who wanted to advance the work of the woodturner and possibly bring new people into the craft, their meeting place at that time was Charlstown Academy, Mark was also part of the group that was there when they moved to Munlochy in 2010 after securing the rent of the premises we are currently in.

Continue reading “Our next meeting 28-03-2024. Organized by David Hobson. An invitation to Mark Sutton to put on a turning demonstration.”

Report on our meeting 14-03-2024.Demonstration by Alec Mutch.

Our meeting on Thursday 14th March 2024 was a demonstration by Alec Mutch on the use of Pebeo Paints in your woodturning. This was a solo demonstration by Alec who introduced the currant club to the use of these paints, it had been demonstrated before by me and others, but with a lot of the current membership being rather new to woodturning, Alec felt it was time to demonstrate the use of these paints again.

Continue reading “Report on our meeting 14-03-2024.Demonstration by Alec Mutch.”