Our meeting on this occasion was our Summer Competition held on the 24th June 2021, it was organised by Peter Lawrence and the subject for the competition was making Natural Edged Turnings. There was no further criteria, you could make anything at all as long as it had some element of Natural Features remaining. There was also no limit on the number of entries any one person could make. Everyone was asked to take part in the competition, and indeed 14 of our number did take part, submitting a total of 54 pictures for the judges to consider. This response was very encouraging as we had more people taking part for this competition than for our Spring competition, so well done to all who took part.
The judging for this competition was carried out by Peter Lawrence and John Ruickbie both long time members of our club, and I thank them on behalf of the Highland Woodturners very much for their patience and fortitude in deciding the winner. There were 3 categories that could have entered, unfortunately only the Intermediate and Experienced categories entered, it would have been good to see some entries from the Novice category too, everyone was reminded that you would only be competing with someone in the same category as you, and don’t forget the prize money, yes the 2 winners will both receive a cheque for £25 in the next few days.
Here now are the pictures of the winners entries along with those placed 2nd and 3rd.
That completes the winning entries in the Experienced and Intermediate categories. Now for the pictures that all of the entrants presented.
That completes the picture gallery of the entries, I do hope if you have not taken part that you view these pictures and take inspiration from them, and we hope to see your pictures and name up there in the next competition.
It only remains for me to thank Peter and John for their work in producing this outcome.
Next week’s meeting on the 8th July is being handled by Errol Levings, the subject matter will be candlesticks of any description, more to follow on that in the next post.
Do remember the clubhouse remains closed.