Our meeting this week is Competition time again, the theme for this week’s competition is Natural Edged Turnings, you are all invited to make something with an element of natural edge or inclusion in your turning/s somewhere. There will be no fixed criteria other than it has to have some natural feature/s in whatever you make. There are 3 categories with our members, Novice, Intermediate and Experienced do remember you will only be competing with people in your same category, there is a first prize of £25 for the winner in each category. You should all have received an email already with an entry form attached, if you have not received the entry form contact Geoff Potter and he will see that you get one. You can enter up to 3 different items with a maximum picture number of 5 for each entry.
The meeting has been organised by Peter Lawrence and your judges for this competition will be Peter Lawrence and John Ruickbie. I will act as go between so send your pictures and a completed entry form to me before the end of day on Friday 25th June 2021, I will forward them on to the 2 judges removing all trace of who has made what. The result of the competition will be made on the 9th July 2021 by email to the winners, to everyone else through the web site. All entries will be published on our web site.
Here are a few ideas for Natural Edged Turnings, you do not need to copy or follow any of these but if it gives you a better understanding of what’s required feel free to use these examples for your own turnings.
That’s all I have to offer as examples, I’m confident you will have lots of ideas of your own and we all look forward to seeing them, so get your pictures and application form to me at,
Remember the closing date for entries is Friday 25th June 2021 and the winners will be announced on the 9th July 2021. Good luck to everyone who takes part.
We do have another meeting on the 8th July 2021, this meeting is being organised by Errol Levings and Errol’s programme will include Candle Holders and Offset Candle Holders.
Do remember the clubhouse remains closed.