HWC were approached by Glen Albyn Explorers, Green Drive Hall Inverness back in the summer asking if it would be possible to have a woodturning demonstration that they could observe and possibly even experience.
This was agreed and arranged through one of their leaders Eelco De Jong and ourselves for the 1st November 2023.
Present for HWC was Alec Mutch, Peter Lawrence, Geoff Potter, we three were to handle all the liaison. Joe Webster was there as our Health and Safety representative and 5 Turners manned the lathes, David Hobson, Dave Line, Daniel Stewart, Alan Smith and Richard Comfort. All were making different things, it was agreed participation by any of the Scouts on a lathe was agreed under very strict supervision.
When the group arrived there were 3 Leaders, Eelco, Rachel and Chris, the Scouts were Juliet, Lucas, Chris, Cluanie, Fran, Gaby, Findlay and Aaron, all came with suitable PPE for observing the turning.
After the initial introductions the visiting group were encouraged to watch what the turners were doing, it was not long before one of the Scouts asked to take part, that led them all to want to have a go, which by the end of the evening they all managed to get the experience of using a lathe. Three of the Scouts managed to take part in an item that they were given as a keepsake by the turners.
Here are a few pictures from the meeting.

Top picture, here is Lucas being instructed by Dave Line on making a pen. Bottom Picture, Now it was the turn of Juliet to work with Dave also making a pen, both were allowed to keep the pen on completion.

Top picture, here is Thomas being instructed by Daniel Stewart on making a small bowl. Bottom picture, using some of the shavings to burnish the bowl, Thomas was given the bowl by Daniel.

Top picture, here is David Hobson showing one of the Scouts how to use the tools for making wooden fruits. Bottom picture, on Lathe 1, was Richard Comfort, he was making a much more elaborate bowl using a “Y” piece of Laburnum, much too risky to put any of the Scouts with him, they did however see the finished article.

Most of the turners brought in items for the Scouts to see, they were amazed at the variety.

Top picture, I brought in a selection of wood samples to let them see the type of woods we use, these are not all the woods we use but they are the most common, the Scouts paid particular attention to these sample especially the Spalted wood and the Burr wood. Bottom picture , the whole group at the end of the meeting.
The visitors gave us all their thanks for a most enjoyable and informative evening, we in turn enjoyed having them there and it was mentioned that a similar meeting may be forthcoming in 2024 with a different set of Scouts, we will keep in touch.