Start time 6.45pm
Our meeting this week, Thursday 17th February 2022 is a demonstration by John Ruickbie. John is going to be making a square bowl on the lathe, he will also do some decorative work on the bowl with the use of a fret saw. John had demonstrated something similar a few years ago but as the membership keeps changing John felt it was time to do it again for the benefit of the many new members we have in the club.
I have included a few pictures of Square bowls , a couple that John had made and a couple that I had made.

We are looking to have a good turnout for the meeting, do remember that there are some Covid rules still in place, you must sign in and you must wear a face mask. There will be the usual raffle and beverages available.
Our next meeting on the 3rd March will be a demonstration by Nick Simpson, Nick will be making a Tricylinder, more about this in the next post.