Start time 6.45pm
Our next meeting is on Thursday 3rd August 2023, it’s being organized by Nick Simpson and Nick’s theme for the meeting is to make something from a 100mm cube of Ash wood.
He has recruited 4 more turners along with himself to man all 5 lathes, he also supplied a cube of Ash wood to each of the turners, however he has not said what they should make, all he has challenged them to do is to come up with a turning that includes the 100mm cube.
I’m sure we are going to see quite a variation in what is produced on the night, Nick did make one small concession by allowing all the turners to do some of the preparatory work at home if they felt the time we have at the club was insufficient to complete their project.
As this was the first time we have had a challenge of this nature we had no pictures from our archives that I could call upon to whet your appetite, Nick had realized this and sent me some pictures of thing he had made in the past from just a square cube. Thanks Nick for taking the time to send me the pictures.
Here are those pictures, as supplied by Nick Simpson.

This is what everyone is challenged to start with, a cube of Ash wood 100mm square.

This cube has been turned in end grain, with part of the square included as a feature.

A cross grain Natural Edged Cube, drilled to take some dried grasses or artificial flowers.

Another piece made from a 100mm cube, a tricylinder, accurate setting out is the name of the game here, it’s so easy to go wrong with this turning.

This turning is still from a 100mm cube, but turned on the diagonal to produce this very interesting shape, it is a small lidded box.

These 3 were all turned on the diagonal and all from a 100mm cubes of wood.

All of these started off as cubes of wood 100mm square.
I’m sure you will see a lot of variation from the 5 turners and it may be that some completely different designs appear. We hope to have a good turnout even although there are some other things going on in this area.
Tea and Coffee will be available for a 50p donation, and the usual raffles will be on sale, hope to see you all there.