Start time 6.45pm.
Our next meeting is on Thursday 8th August 2024, the main part of this meeting is one of our Shield Competitions, this part is being handled by Nick Simpson. Nick’s theme for this Competition is to make Wooden Vases and Wooden Flowers, Nick will be assisted by Susan Drew and the judges will be chosen from members of the club.
There will be the customary 3 categories starting with the Novice category who are required to make a wooden Vase, this can be of any size and shape, and it should be used for dried or artificial flowers. For the Intermediate category a little more difficulty has been placed on these turners who are in this category, in addition to making a Wooden Vase, it now has to hold water. To allow it to hold water, several different ways could be adopted, the easiest of these is to use a glass or plastic liner, (these are available from TURNERS RETREAT) you could make up a metal liner or use a liquid compound like Rustins Plastic Coating, whatever way you choose to use it must be able to hold water without leaking. For the Open category an even greater degree of difficulty has been applied, this group are required to make a Wooden Vase plus at least 2 Wooden Flowers. I’ve had a look on line for some ideas on making wooden flowers, some of which are quite simple but somewhat bland, a lot of 2 dimensional ideas crop up but getting a 3 dimensional design I found to be missing, back to the drawing board I just had to come up with my own ideas.
Having looked through our archives for some Vases I found precious few and those I did find were much the same in design, possibly some of you could do better by way of design. However I have included a few pictures of those I did find and here they are.

As I mentioned these 3 vases are all of a similar design, just some little differences having been added to the design. What this does not show is the sizes of these vases, working from left to right these measured 100mm high, then 200mm high with the last one being 300mm in height. You too can adopt any size you wish to make but please do take part even if you only make a small vase.

Picture Left, here 2 Banksia Nuts were used to make these vases Picture Right, an offset vase for the more adventurist turner.

Here are a couple of pictures of Wooden Flowers I found on line, as I mentioned before these to me are all very bland being 2 dimensional, and there are lots and lots more of the same, these are easy to make but uninspiring, I needed to come up with something better, I think you will think so too, so lets see what you do come up with.
I want you all in all 3 categories to have a go and for the judges to have lots of entries to consider.
In addition to the Competition Geoff Potter is tasked with manning all the lathes to entertain the members whilst the judging is ongoing. There will be no theme for the turners, they can make whatever they like, Geoff has 5 turners including himself to man the lathes.
Good luck to all those who enter the Competitions.
Now a reminder that the open Day is on Saturday 10th August 2024.

For all the organizers of the Open Day please be available on the evening of Friday9th August for the setting up of the tables and equipment required, can you all be there by 6pm.
For the members of the public who wish to attend the Open Day, this is what you will see as you approach the Village Hall.

We hope you will enjoy the Open Day, there will be 2 lathes doing demonstrations throughout the day from 10am to 4pm, there will be model railway exhibits along with several crafts tables selling their wares including a table from our club, a Guess the number of pieces Competition will be there at a £1 a guess with the person with the nearest answer taking home the item, we will be trying to recruit new members to our club and information on how to join will be available, anyone joining at the Open Day will get the benefit of the fee being at half price of £25.
Hope to see you all there.