Start time 6.45pm
Our next meeting is on Thursday 9th November 2023, it’s our last of the Shield competitions for this year and has been organized by Nick Simpson although Nick won’t be there due to medical issues he has arranged for David Hobson to take over the handling of the Competition, David will be assisted by Dave Hutcheson and Susan Drew on handling the entries and the judging.
The subject matter for this Competition is making Christmas Decorations, the Novice and Intermediate groups are all tasked with making any single Christmas Decoration, the Open (formally known as Experienced) group are tasked with making a matching pair of Christmas Decorations.
We are looking for good response for this Competition, so here are a few examples of the type of things you may wish to make and enter.

Here are many good ideas of the type of thing this Competition is looking for, so please enter and we look forward to seeing your entries.
The judging will start at about 7pm, get your entries registered as you arrive. The lathes will be in use during the judging, Joe Webster has arranged for 5 turners to man the machines, they have not been given any theme to follow so the subject matter may be very different for all the turners.
Tea and Coffee will be available for a donation of 50p.