Our next meeting on the 14th October 2021 is a demonstration by Errol Levings on the use of various texturing and spiralling tools. These are some of the most interesting tools to have, they can create some amazing results once you master the use of these tools, they come in various guises, used to create texture to your work, some come with various interchangeable parts to create various spiral effects, and the most basic of these is the chatter tool.
I think once you see the results that can be produced by some of these tools you will want to have one. I have selected a few for you to get a preview of, first is the texture tool,

I hope you will find Errol’s venture into the use of these tools will open up a whole now adventure in your woodturning.
Coffee will be available, remember to leave a donation, the usual raffles will also be on sale as will Jim Kelman’s donation box. Remember to bring your name tag and to sign in, it’s important in these times to have an accurate record on who is present.