Start time 6.45pm.
Our next meeting is on Thursday 23rd November 2023, it has been organized by Susan Drew, she has arranged for all 5 lathes to be working and her theme for the evening is making wooden toys. With Christmas not too far away this should be a very interesting programme for you all to see.
Wooden toys are very much appreciated by the younger children especially the pull along toys, but anything with wheels will normally be just as acceptable, so why not have a go if you have youngsters in the family. I have put a couple of photos up of some books that deal with wooden toys alongside a few pictures of very simple to make Spinning tops to a much more involved tanker lorry.
Another very useful way of making wooden animals is to use the REIFENDREHEN system, you need to work out the profile of an animal then make a ring using the pattern profile of the animal you want to make, then cut them out as shown, you will get quite a lot out of one turning.
Here are a few pictures of ideas and books on wooden toys.

Spinning tops, easy to make, lots of different shapes and you can decorate them if you wish, most of the colouring is done on the lathe using felt pens and quite a slow speed.

A bit more complicated to do but lots of fun in the making, this pull along toy will give a young child hours of fun playing with it, there are lots of other lorry’s tractors and cars that can be made in wood.

This is the REIFENDREHN way of making wooden animals, in the picture is the shaped ring made on the lathe using the pattern profile, right to left, the ring showing the profile, then the first cut out, make it quite thick as it needs to be shaped, then the shaped example and finally the painted animal, in this case a horse.

Another type of Spinning top that can be made in woodturning, these use a string to set them spinning and can spin for quite a long time if made properly.

Here are 3 examples of books that are available for making wooden toys, there are lots more covering all types of toys for boys and girls.
Do come to the meeting and see what the turners are making, a good turnout would be appreciated.
The normal raffles will be on sale as will the Christmas draw raffles, we are also still looking for donations from the members for the Christmas draw raffle, anything can be donated, tools, wood, edibles, wines and spirits.
The Christmas Competition is only 3 meetings away on the 14th December 2023, we would like to see a big entry in all 3 categories and remember you can make whatever you like for this Competition, it will be judged by all the members present at the time, 1st, 2nd and 3rd will be announced in all 3 categories and the overall winner will be awarded the MacGregor Shield.