Start time 6.45pm
Our meeting on Thursday 25th May 2023 is our 2nd competition of the year, the subject matter is to turn something with a Multi Axis centre point. This criteria is the same for all 3 categories but you will be judged only in the category you are listed as having. It can be anything made using more than one centre, the use of specialized equipment can be adopted or home made jigs made and used, you may use between centres or use a faceplate or a combination of both, but most of all we need more of you to enter than was present at the last competition.
We have not had many instances where multi centred work had been featured nor have we seen many at any of the Showtime Meetings, however I did find a few pictures of examples of work done using the multi centre approach, I also found a few interesting pictures on the net.
The judging will be carried out by Nick Simpson and Errol Levings and follow the same criteria as the last competition, details are on this web site. Nick will use David Hobson and Susan Drew to do the register of the entries. You will need to register with when you arrive and the judging will begin at 7pm.
During the judging Alan Geddes has organized for Richard Comfort and Liam Comfort to man 2 of the lathes, the subjects of these will be left to the turners.
Here are a few pictures along with a few comments and ideas for you to consider, but your own ideas are really what we want to see.

Left a useful book on Multi Axis turning, Centre, some very interesting birds with offset heads, Right, one of the few Multi Axis pieces we have pictures of this one is from one of our members Nick Simpson.

Left, a pair of trivets with multiple centres, 7 in total all done on Faceplate work, Right, a pair of containers done between centres.

Left, a trivet with 10 different positions, made on a jig and turned on both sides, this one needs care taken with the geometry. Right, a double bowl piece made by using a set of bowl jaws and working out where the buttons on the bowl jaws need to be positioned.

Left, a partly made trivet showing some of the geometry, also that it was started on the reverse side too. Right, a pair of lids made for little boxes with the finials offset, these were turned using the Sorby Wobble Chuck.

This is the Sorby Wobble chuck, Left, in straight mode, and Right in full offset mode. This small device is suitable for any chuck that can take a 50mm diameter.

This is the simplest form of Multi Axis turning, it requires no more equipment, simply hold your work in the 4 jaw chuck with the square of the blank still intact and mount between centres, turn to a cylinder but keep the square end, mark out a second ring on the tailstock end and use this ring as your entry point for the offsets, you will see in the righthand picture the ring and the 2 centre points. The chuck needs to be slackened to allow for the slight change in the centres and tightened up again when in use.

Top Left, the Esculine chuck, a really expensive piece of kit but can achieve some amazing work. Top Middle 2, the Sorby Wobble Chuk and a spoon made using it. The rest are all variations of items turned using more than one Axis point.
Now that I hope I have inspired you to make something for the competition that we will have a bigger entry than at the last competition, do please enter and remember you will only be competing with those in the same category as yourself.