Start time 6.45pm.
Our next meeting is on Thursday 29th September 2022, this is the follow on from the meeting on Finishing we did in July of this year. The main part of this meeting will be managed by Nick Simpson and possibly a small part from me. However the thrust of Nick’s presentation will be on various other ways to create a finish.
Nick’s presentation will not include a lot of turning, he will be handing round quite a few articles for you to see close up and explaining what was involved in working each item. His running order will be as follows,
1, A link to my presentation.
2, Spirit stains, end grain verses side grain.
3, Antiquing – to include Fuming.
4, Making the most of grain patterns, to include Scorching and Sand Blasting.
5, Something about Faux rust effects.
6, Copper wire embellishment.
If Nick manages to get through all of these subjects in the time allocated there may be a little time left for me to do a short presentation on the use of Pebeo Paints, if not my subject will be carried over to a later programme.
To give you some idea of what Nick will be talking about I have gone through our archives and found a few pictures of what’s likely to be talked about. Here are those pictures.

That should conclude our 2nd part on Finishing and we do hope you found it both useful and interesting, the first part can be found through this link or under archives on the 27th July, this also contains a video on Finishing.
We had another teaching session on the 22nd September 2022, this had 4 tutors with 4 pupils, David Ross was tutoring Alan Ross on the use of a skew chisel. David Hobson was tutoring Ewan Gunn on his 2nd lesson, bowl work. Errol Levings was tutoring Liam Comfort on his 3rd lesson, spindle work, and I was tutoring Gareth Jones on his 4th lesson, spindle work. The evening was managed by Nick Simpson.