Our next meeting is on Thursday 31st October 2024.
Start Time. 6-45pm.
The Showtime meeting are usually very well received and participation is always very good, we hope this meeting will be no different. For those new to the club we invite you all to bring in anything that you have made that you are pleased with or have a story to tell about any item, it can even be something that has gone wrong that you would like to know if it can be salvaged and why it went wrong in the first place. Keith will call you out when it’s your turn to show your item or items, and yes you can bring more than one item to show, in fact, more the merrier.
Here are a couple of pictures from previous Showtime meetings,

These were from April this year.

More from April this year.

This was from 2018.

These were from 2006, as you can see lots of variety.
Do bring your items along to show, the members like to see what other turners are making, don’t feel you are not good enough to show anything, whatever standard you are at does not matter you may gain a lot by showing what you have made, you may also gain in information also as the members are always quick with their advice.
Tea and Coffee will be available for a small fee of 50p, the weekly and Christmas raffles will be on sale as usual. We are still looking for donations for the big Christmas raffle draw, it can be anything that you wish to donate, box of sweets, biscuits, bottles of anything especially Whisky, or it might be a surplus tool that you no longer use, even a few wood blanks would be appreciated, anything at all, so please be generous in buying the tickets and also for any donations, all donations to go to Dave Line for safe keeping.
Hope to see you all on Thursday.