Our next meeting is on Thursday 6th February 2025 and it’s our AGM (Annual General Meeting).
This is a fairly standard meeting that should not take too long, I will welcome everyone to the meeting and ask for the minutes from the previous AGM 2024 meeting to be adopted, that will be followed by me giving you the Chairperson’s report for 2024 and for that to be adopted also. The treasurer will then give his report on his verified annual accounts covering the affairs of the club during the previous year.
At this meeting the whole committee stand down and a new committee will be elected by the members present, most of the existing committee are to stand for election again for the period February 2025 to February 2026, there will be some of the present committee members choosing not stand for election, myself included, I will however remain in the Chair until the meeting is over. You will all be asked to vote on the committee members who have put their names forward and this will include some new members.
Time will be allocated to take any questions from the floor or for any proposals any member wishes to make.
Finally at this meeting I have asked Joe Webster to speak to you all about the Defibrillator that arrived last Saturday and is now in the clubhouse, Joe is our First Aid Leader but the rest of the named First Aid Team should pay particular attention to what Joe has to say on the workings and use of the Defibrillator.
Just to add a bit more interest to this post I have included a couple of pictures from my own archives that I thought you might like to see, but first our new outdoor sign that Susan Drew procured for us and a picture of the Defibrillator.
I think the sign is wonderful and thank you Susan for all your efforts it’s very well appreciated, nobody in the village now can say they didn’t know we were here.
Here are 3 very useful books you might want to have a look through.
Here is James Nairn milling some Elm logs for me, some of the logs were too big to get onto the saw before we cut them into quarters, in the bottom pictures are some of the planking produced by the milling.
Another picture of James Nairn doing the milling, also top right, some more of the planks and battens. Bottom left, a load of Elm Burrs ready to be cut into useable blanks and bottom right, a view of a small part of the air dried stock in my shed.
There will be tea and coffee available for a donation of 50p and do pay up the money from the tea and coffee does make a difference. The usual Raffle will also be on sale.
We had an excellent turn out for our meeting in January, we hope that’s repeated for this meeting, see you all there.