Our next meeting should be on the 4th February 2021, it would have been our AGM (Annual General Meeting) however it’s not possible to have this meeting under the current lock down regulations instead we have prepared a report from 2020 that all the current members will be in receipt of by email, this report will have a statement from the Chairman, the Secretary and the Treasurer and will be issued on the 4th February. We are having a virtual meeting on the same day and you are all invited to make something of your choosing on any subject, this can be anything at all, a picture of your work made for this meeting or something that you had made previously, or just an interesting story about anything that has happened to you or your turning in the past, we would all like to hear what you have been doing during the lock down.
I have included a few pictures of things that I had made in the past and a couple that are more recent, I’m sure you will all have a collection of pictures of things you had made, why not send a few of those to me for publication on our web site.
Here are but a few examples of my work , now we need to see your work, so please take the time to send me your pictures or a story, the members would be very pleased to see all your efforts.
The meeting is on the 4th February, you will have up to the end of day Friday the 5th February to send me your pictures, don’t forget to include some information with your pictures.
Send them to me at a.j.mutch4321@btinternet.com
Here is a final reminder for anyone who has not renewed their membership that the closing date for existing members is also the 4th February 2021, if you have not renewed on or by that date you will be removed from all access to the members part of the web site and the tips and anecdotes emails.
Remember the clubhouse remains closed.