Our next virtual meeting 05-08-2021 making wooden toys.

Our next club meeting should be on Thursday 5th August 2021, however this meeting has been made into a virtual meeting due to the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions. The meeting is being organised by Mike Day and Mike’s theme for this meeting is to make wooden toys, any kind of wooden toys, turned or otherwise but what Mike would really like to see are toys with moving parts. He would also like to see a large entry for this meeting, so you are all being invited to make at least one toy, more if you can manage that, the past few weeks have seen a very small involvement from our members, lets not continue with this poor approach Mike and I want to see lots and lots of entries.

To help you on your way with some ideas, Mike has taken some pictures of toys off the internet that could give you some idea of the type of thing he is looking for, but if you can come up with your own idea or design that would be much preferred, we all want to see what you have made.

Here are some of Mike’s pictures, remember these are just suggestions!

These are spinning tops, some of the easiest items to make, there is an infinite variety of shapes and just by adding some colour to the tops puts a whole new dimension on their appearance.
Here we have a couple of toys with moving parts, just as Mike suggested, again simple to make but will give small kids lots of fun to play with.
Here we have some animal toys, the bears to the left could be made with swivel heads , arm and legs, the mice to the right have flexible tails, ears and whiskers, again very easy to make and again lots of fun for smaller kids.

You will have until Friday 6th August to make and send your pictures to me for publication, do remember to give me some information on things like the woods used or the type of finish used, do remember that as toys they need to be finished with child safe products.

Send your pictures to me at,


Do remember the clubhouse remains closed.

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