Our meeting this week 23-06-2022 Showtime.


Our meeting this week on Thursday 23rd June 2022 is a Showtime meeting, organised by David Hobson, compered by Myself (Alec Mutch). The usual format applies, bring whatever you have made recently or not so recently and tell us all about what you have made and why you made it or any other interesting snippets you consider we might like to hear.

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Report on our latest training evening, 16-06-2022.

Our latest training evening was on the 16th June 2022, organised by Nick Simpson our training manager, he had arranged for all 5 lathes to be in operation but unfortunately one of the pupils failed to show, all 5 tutors were present but it did leave David Hobson at a loose end, however he volunteered to stay and do some observation along with taking a few pictures for this post.

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Report on our training evening 02-06-2022.

Our latest training meeting took place on the 2nd June 2022, we were to have all 5 lathes working with 5 pupils and 5 tutors, however one of the pupils had to call off at short notice, this meant that one of the tutors would no longer be required, that tutor was our training manager Nick Simpson. He did attend as usual and stayed to do the officiating and be an observer for the meeting.

Continue reading “Report on our training evening 02-06-2022.”

Our next meeting is on 26-05-2022, managed by Alan Geddes.

Start time 6.45pm

Our meeting this week on Thursday 26th May 2022 is all about making wooden boxes, the meeting is being managed by Alan Geddes, he will have all 5 lathes working and all will be making wooden boxes of various descriptions. I know that at least 2 of the turners will be using some Laburnum blanks we received during the pandemic in late 2020. Laburnum is a beautiful wood to work with, very dense, excellent for boxes.

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