Report on our meeting 02-09-2021 light assisted goblet.

This was our first meeting after the pandemic restrictions were lifted that turning was involved, and it was good to be back in operation again. We have made some changes within the club to make it much safer for everyone to return, this included installing some ventilation fans and a CO2 monitor, and to combat any dust issues, we are currently installing a full dust extraction system to all the lathes and the bandsaw.

Continue reading “Report on our meeting 02-09-2021 light assisted goblet.”

Our next meeting 02-09-2021 Demonstration by Alec Mutch.

Our meeting on Thursday 2nd September 2021 will be in Munlochy, start time of 6.45pm.

Yes this is our first actual meeting where turning will be demonstrated after a very long shut down. I will be doing the demonstration, I’m going to make a thin walled end grain goblet made from a branch of fairly wet wood and leaving the top as natural edged as possible. To do this you will need to make up some sort of light assistance as you will see, and the procedure for turning this type of goblet is not what you might expect, all will be revealed on the night.

Continue reading “Our next meeting 02-09-2021 Demonstration by Alec Mutch.”

Welcome back all HWC members, 19-08-2021.

It is with great pleasure to announce that we are about to open our club again after such a long time closed.

We are to have an Extraordinary General Meeting on the 19th August 2021, this will take place in our premises in Munlochy start time of 6.30pm. The purpose of the meeting is to welcome you all back and to bring you all up to date with what has happened since we last met in March of 2020 and also take a look ahead in the near future.

On arrival we would ask you all to bring a face covering and to use the sanitising supplied as you enter. All will be seated and the use of face masks will be voluntary whilst seated.

A very strict attendance register will be kept, we will require everyone to sign in on entry, this will help in the event of track and trace should it become necessary.

You will also observe that we are in the process of making some changes inside the clubhouse, more on that will be explained at the meeting.

The meeting is not expected to last more than 1 to 2 hours, and for this first meeting there will be no turning.

I’m very pleased to make this announcement and I’m looking forward to seeing all of you again, remember to take your clip on name badges with you, for those who are new members and don’t yet have a badge, speak to Geoff Potter at the meeting and he will arrange for a badge to be made for you.

Regards to all, Alec Mutch on behalf of your committee.

Our next virtual meeting 05-08-2021 making wooden toys.

Our next club meeting should be on Thursday 5th August 2021, however this meeting has been made into a virtual meeting due to the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions. The meeting is being organised by Mike Day and Mike’s theme for this meeting is to make wooden toys, any kind of wooden toys, turned or otherwise but what Mike would really like to see are toys with moving parts. He would also like to see a large entry for this meeting, so you are all being invited to make at least one toy, more if you can manage that, the past few weeks have seen a very small involvement from our members, lets not continue with this poor approach Mike and I want to see lots and lots of entries.

Continue reading “Our next virtual meeting 05-08-2021 making wooden toys.”