This week’s meeting, 9th January 2020, making wooden jewellery.

Firstly I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all our members to our 2020 meetings, the first of which is this week.

This week’s meeting on the 9th January 2020 is all about making jewellery using wood or other turning products, it’s has been organised by Douglas Stewart and he has arranged for 4 other turners along with himself to man all the lathes. On the lathes will be Douglas Stewart, Peter Lawrence, Bill Munro, Geoff Potter and myself, we hope to show some diversity in the items that can be turned from wood or other materials in the making of jewellery.

The featured picture comes from our last Showtime meeting in 2019, that was shown by Douglas Stewart where he brought in some very fine examples of wooden jewellery he had made.

We hope to see you all there and do remember that the subscriptions for 2020 are currently being taken by Geoff Potter, anyone who has not already renewed their subscription has until February 6th to do so.

Happy new year for 2020.

The committee for Highland Woodturners would like to take this opportunity to wish all our members, past, present and future a very happy new year, we would also like to wish the on line members a similar very happy new year, your involvement in using our web site and facebook page is very important to us.

I will remind all our members that the first meeting in 2020 is on the 9th January, it’s being managed by Douglas Stewart and the subject will be making wooden jewellery, we hope to see you all there.

Report on our meeting on 11th December 2019, Christmas competition & Christmas raffle draw.

Our last meeting for the year was on the 11th December 2019, it was also the Christmas competition where our members were asked to make something without having a theme,in other words it was an open competition. This applied to all 3 categories of turners in our club and the entry level was very good from all 3 categories. The standard of workmanship in all 3 categories was also very good, making the judging very difficult. The judging was carried out by all the members in the club and a winner did emerge in all 3 categories. This meeting was also our meeting where the Christmas raffle draw was done, this was handled by Colin MacRae and Jim Kelman, there was a huge amount of prizes , some bought by the club and some donated from the members. The turnout for this meeting was as expected very high. To get a flavour of how the meeting went, see the gallery of pictures below, click on the pictures for a larger view and a little text. Pictures by Alec Mutch.

This post ends the entries for 2019, I would like to take the opportunity to thank all the committee members for the way the club has been handled this year, there are lots of tasks that have gone on unseen by the vast majority of the members that I as chairman appreciate has happened and will continue to happen, the club has been going now for some 15 years and appears to be going from strength to strength, the membership base is solid and we have had a waiting list for most of the club’s existence , this bodes well for the club’s continuance . Finally I would like to thank all the members for their attendance and we hope to see you all in the new year, our first meeting is on the 9th January 2020.

I would like take this opportunity on behalf of the committee to wish all our members online or present a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.

This week’s meeting, Wednesday 11th December 2019, open competition.

This week,s meeting is on Wednesday 11th December, not the 12th as originally planned, it’s also the clubs Christmas competition for all 3 categories, it’s an open competition where you can make anything you desire, you may also enter more than one item in whichever category you are in, the judging will be done by all the members present.

I would ask all previous winners in any category of any competition in 2019 to enter more than one item as we do have a tie for the overall annual competition winner at present, in the event of their still being a tie after this competition the second entry will then be judged to determine the overall winner in each category.

May I also remind any of last years winners of the annual shields to return them on Wednesday to Douglas Stewart, some of you may have already done so.

The annual Christmas raffle draw will also take place on Wednesday evening after the competition judging has taken place, the tickets for this draw will also still be on sale up to the end of the judging.

Can I also appeal to all the turners who do demonstrations at the club to help Douglas Stewart out with getting sufficient turners to man the lathes to please do so, he has at present only 2 turners for the 9th of January meeting, he requires another 3 and the main subject is all about making “wooden jewellery”, but that does not mean you could not do something else if required. The same scenario also applies to the meeting on the 23rd January, Douglas has only 2 turners he requires another 3, step up and volunteer, the subject for the 23rd January is ,”wooden toys or puzzles”.

The committee would like to take this opportunity to wish all our members and all our online followers a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. We hope to see you all in the new year.

Report on meeting 28th November 2019 making table lamp bases.

Our meeting on the 28th November 2019 was all about making table lamp bases, the meeting was organised by Cliff Sim, Cliff had arranged for 4 turners to be working the lathes, Bill Munro, Bob Chisholm, Richard Comfort and David Ross. All were making different variations of lamp bases, 2 were working on a single piece of wood for the base whilst the other 2 were making their lamps from more than one piece. The turn out of members was good. To get a flavour of how the meeting went click on the pictures in the gallery for a larger picture and some text. The pictures for this post were taken by Mike Day.

We hope you enjoyed our lamp making meeting, the next meeting is on Wednesday the 11th December not the Thursday to avoid clashing with the general election, usual start time. This will be our last meeting for 2019, it’s also the final competition for the year, an open competition where you can make what you like, no pre conditions so lets have lots of entries, remember you can put more than one item in to the competition. This meeting will also herald the grand Christmas raffle draw where there have been traditionally lots and lots of prizes, good luck to everyone in the draw.

This week’s meeting on the 28th November 2019,making lamp bases.

Our meeting this week on the 28th November 2019 is all about making lamp bases, they can be made from a single piece of wood or from more than one piece of wood, whatever type of lamp the turners choose to make I’m sure there will be something of interest for everyone, this meeting has been organised by Cliff Sim, Cliff has arranged for 4 turners to man the lathes, those are, Bill Munro, Richard Comfort, Bob Chisholm and David Ross.

This is a lamp I made some time ago, made from a single piece of wood with some banding inserted along with some more inserts in Milliput.

We are looking for a good turnout as usual, and remember to get your Christmas raffles and hand in any donations of products to David Hobson for his craft fair in Fortrose proceeds of which will go to the club funds. Notification to the committee members, there is a committee meeting starting at 5pm on the 28th November 2019.

Report on our meeting 14th November 2019, main theme turned clocks.

Our meeting this week on the 14th November was mainly about making turned clocks, the meeting was arranged by Cliff Sim and he had 5 turners working the lathes. For the clock making he had John Ruickbie, Dave Line and himself, two other turners were making different things, Nick Simpson was making a small lidded box and Errol Levings was demonstrating the methods used to make oval turnings, with no overall finished product in mind. The turnout was good and according to the reports I received the meeting went very well.The pictures in the gallery below were all taken by Mike Day, these should give you a flavour of how the meeting went.

If you wish to see a larger picture of any in the gallery, just click the picture, this will give you a more detailed picture along with a little text. Our next meeting on the 28th November is again being organised by Cliff Sim, he has arranged for 5 turners to make lamp bases.

Remember that the Christmas raffles are on sale and we are still accepting donations of prizes and also items for the Fortrose craft fair organised by David Hobson.

This week’s meeting, 14th November 2019

This week’s meeting on the 14th November 2019 is all about making clocks, it has been organised by Cliff Sim. Cliff has arranged for 3 turners to be working the lathes, those are Bill Munro, Dave Line and himself. They will all have their own method for making a clock and should all be different in the type of clock being made. We are looking for a good turnout as usual and do remember that the Christmas raffles are on sale, we are still looking for prizes to be donated, anything at all accepted. David Hobson is going to do a craft fair on behalf of the club nearer to Christmas, he is looking for items to sell that you the members have made, take anything you wish to donate to David at the next 2 meetings, all proceeds will go towards club funds.

Here is a clock I made some time ago, it could be something along this line that one of the turners will make.
Here is another example of a clock, this one used a miniature clock insert of only 37mm in diameter.
This is a skeleton clock, one of the most popular clocks to be made by any turner, I know that Dave Line will be demonstrating how this type of clock is made.

I’m afraid I won’t be able to attend the meeting this week, there are road works on the A835 at Garve that is closing the road between the hours of 7pm and 7am and as I live on the other side of the road works I would not be able to get home without a very long detour. However I hope you all have a good meeting and enjoy the clock making.

Report on our meeting on 31st October 2019, working with natural edges.

Our meeting on the 31st October was arranged by Cliff Sim and our theme was working with natural edged. Cliff had arranged for 4 turners to work the lathes, those were, Bob Chisholm, Mike Day, Richard Comfort and myself (Alec Mutch). We were all doing something different but with the same theme that each item was to have some element of natural edges on it. The turnout for the meeting was very good. The pictures from this meeting were taken by David Hobson, and should give you a flavour of how the meeting went.

If you want to see some larger pictures of this gallery just click on any picture, they are accompanied with a little text. The next meeting is on the 14th November, again being organised by Cliff Sim and this time it will be about making clocks. Don’t forget to get your Christmas raffle tickets and any donations of prizes would be most welcome.