Our latest training day was on the 8th September 2022 managed by Nick Simpson, there were 3 pairings involved, Errol Levings was tutoring Liam Comfort on his 2nd lesson, spindle work, Alec Mutch was tutoring Gareth Jones on his 3rd lesson also spindle work. Both were sent home with pieces to practice on and asked to return with these pieces worked at their next lesson. The final pairing was Nick Simpson showing Alan Ross how to sharpen his tools, in particular using the Pro Edge system.
Our next club meeting is on Thursday 15th September 2022, how to make a wooden goblet.
Start time 6.45pm.
This week’s meeting on Thursday 15th September 2022 is a solo presentation by Errol Levings, Errol is going to show you his method of making a wooden goblet, he has demonstrated how to make a goblet before to our club but with the influx of new members to our club it was felt this should be repeated. As a solo presentation the cameras and screens will be used and everyone will get a seat, Errol will be happy to answer any of your questions.
Having looked through our archives for some pictures of goblets that were made here or taken in to show the following pictures are examples of the type of thing to expect.

We are looking to have a very good turnout as usual, and do ask questions from Errol. We will be selling the usual raffles and there will be coffee available if you leave a donation.