Our meeting on Thursday 8th December 2022 was to be the last meeting in 2022, it was also our Christmas competition and Grand Prize Raffle Draw.
The competition was managed by Nick Simpson and assisted by David Hobson, Susan Drew and David Ross. This was our first competition since 2019, it was also the start of our club having competitions again, there will be regular competitions in 2023. The subject matter for this competition was left open to whatever you felt you wanted to enter, this did make the judging a little more difficult but very interesting. The judging was done by the whole membership present, there were to be 3 winners in each of the 3 categories, Novice, Intermediate and Experienced with a first, second and third being awarded in each.
The amount of entries in all 3 categories was good for our first competition, but there would be room for increasing the number of entries in all 3 categories in future competitions.
Here are the pictures of the entries in each category.

Now for the winners in each category.

There were no prizes for this competition, just a certificate for each of the winners.
After the voting had been completed it was now time to do the Grand Raffle Draw, it was handled by Kathleen Line and Geoff Potter. There were a total of 82 prizes to be drawn, some of which had been donated by the members themselves. The draw took some time, during which the competition team were working out the winners.
Here are a couple of pictures of the prizes on offer.

Once the Grand Prize Draw had been completed the results of the competition were announced and the certificates awarded. Each of the winning members were asked to say a few words about their entry, all took part and a show appreciation was given to each of the winners.
Our next meeting is on the 5th January 2023 it’s being managed by John Ruickbie, John will be making a clock using some of the natural elements in the wood, we hope to see you all there.
In the meantime your Committee would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.