Our meeting on Thursday 12th May 2022 was managed by David Ross, David had organised for 4 of the lathes to be working, 2 of which were given over to making vases, whilst the other 2 were taking part in our training programme as a one off for this meeting only. The 2 turners making the vases were David Hobson and Dave Line. David Ross was working on lathe nr1 with Alan Smith as part of the teaching programme, Errol Levings was on lathe nr3 with Jeff Buttress again as part of the teaching programme.
I took a few pictures at the meeting of all involved, and here’s a few of them for you all to see.

The next few pictures are from the turners and pupils who were working on the teaching programme.

In addition to the work going on with all the lathes the bring and show table was used by some of the members, here is a picture of the items brought in to see.

One other item that was brought in by John Ruickbie was an aid for sharpening tools, John made this one from a few bits of metal and a wooden base and left it in the clubhouse for others to copy. There are a lot of jigs on the market for sharpening your tools, most are quite pricey, this one you could make at home for very little cost. If you wish to copy this jig, speak to John and he will explain how it is made and how it works.

The turnout for this meeting was good, and we had 2 new members attending for the first time, we have now reached our maximum membership number of 60, anyone now looking to join the club will need to go on a waiting list.
Our next meeting is on the 26th May 2022 it’s being managed by Alan Geddes and Alan’s theme for the meeting is making wooden boxes, he will have all 5 lathes in operation. We look forward to seeing you there.