Our meeting on Thursday 14th September was a Showtime meeting, it was organized by Errol Levings using a new format and this was to be the pilot to determine the continued use of the new format.
Errol had done some preliminary work in producing documentation that clearly set out how the Showtime meeting would be conducted, and all this seemed to help make the meeting format a success.
Although there were fewer entries for the pilot, the time was used very efficiently and all the entries were eventually seen and discussed, there were a couple of members who did not have the wish to talk about their work but Errol made a very good presentation on their behalf.
I took a series of pictures as the meeting progressed, here they are in chronological order, due to the fact more than one item was allowed from any member, some of the members can be seen in more than one presentation. Here are those pictures,

Picture 1, first up was John Ruickbie, John had made a vase using a staved construction method with 2 contrasting woods, he gave a very detailed account on his methods used. Picture 2, these pens were made by Bob Chisholm and being shown here by Errol, Bob was not comfortable to talk about them, but he did reply to any questions from his seat in the crowd. His presentation case and the Pens was received with glowing comments from the crowd.

Picture 3, we have Nick Simpson showing a Christmas themed subject, he had made 3 of these and they were displayed on a thin disc of Yew, he went on to say how easy they were to produce, giving the crowd a commentary on his methods. Picture 4, is Geoff Potter showing one of his trademark natural edged bowls, this one was in Ash and left as usual quite chunky, Geoff is know to produce work in this fashion, it was well received by the members.

Picture 5, here Errol has the job of showing this entry, it was made by Marco Baglioni who was also not confident in talking about his work, Errol pointed out that this item was harder to do than first appears, it required 3 different centres to get the design Marco employed. Picture 6, this is Susan Drew showing a goblet that she decorated using some pyrography and some transfers, the goblet was made by Errol and Susan at an earlier training evening.

Picture 7, here is Geoff Potter with his 2nd entry, a Laburnum branch made into a Natural Edged Bowl, yes there is a small bowl in the middle of the piece. To make these Geoff uses some strange mounting effects and a very high speed. Picture 8, another entry from Bob Chisholm, again shown to the crowd by Errol, the turning on this was quite exceptional, to create a flat bottom with straight sides on the inside of the bowl is not easy to achieve, well done Bob.

Picture 9, here we have Julian Cox showing a small bowl with a difference, although it starts as a square, his turning method produces a 3 sided bowl, Julian went on to explain how this comes about. Picture 10, here we have Alan Smith showing a vase he made from a piece of Spalted Elm, the Spalting had created some very contrasting colours, he commented that the hole down the centre still required some work.

Picture 11, this was me (Alec Mutch) showing a Burr elm bowl that I had deliberately turned slightly wet 2 weeks earlier, this was to show what happens when you do this, it does move a little and the Burr part gets a bit crinkly but none the worse for any of that. Picture 12, it was me again, this time showing a piece I made some time ago from a design by David Sprignet a Canadian woodturner, it was made on the lathe then cut into 4 pieces and re-assembled to produce the item you see.

Picture 13, it’s Susan again, this time with a small bowl she made at a previous meeting and completed at home, it was made from Spalted Beech. Picture 14, this is Nick again, this time with another Christmas themed item, this time he had made a wooden cracker from Zebrano.

Picture 15, here is Errol doing the presentation again on behalf of Bob Chisholm, this was Bob’s 3rd entry an African Padauk wooden bowl. Picture 16, is Alan again, his 2nd entry, a goblet made from something just lying about in his workshop.
Now for a closer look at some of the items shown,

1, John Ruickbie. 2, Bob Chisholm. 3, Nick Simson. 4, Geoff Potter. 5, Marco Baglioni. 6, Susan Drew.

7, Geoff Potter. 8, Bob Chisholm. 9, Julian Cox. 10, Alan Smith. 11, Alec Mutch.

12, Susan Drew. 13, Nick Simpson.14, Alan Smith. 15 Bob Chisholm. 16, Alan Smith.
That concluded the Showtime meeting, the crowd showed their appreciation for the entrants and the presentation by Errol. It has been received with glowing reports from the members and will be the format for all future Showtime meetings.
Our next meeting is on the 28th September, it’s being organized by Alan Geddes and Alan’s theme for the meeting is shallow bowls and platters, he will have all 5 of the club lathes in use on the night, hope to see you all there.