Our meeting on Thursday 20th June 2024 was organized by John Ruickbie, John had all 5 lathes working on items that were destined to be donated to the club’s open day on the 10th August to be sold as part of our fund raiser programme for the purchase of a Defibrillator for our club house.
Before we proceed I have a very important message to all our club members, we found out on Thursday 20th June 2024 that the hall is to be used on the 4th July 2024 for the Westminster Election, this would make it very awkward for us to be there at the same time so we have decided to bring our meeting forward by just one day to the 3rd July 2024, the usual time and programme have not been changed, just come on Wednesday 3rd.
The turners were, on Lathe 1 was John Ruickbie, on Lathe 2 was Susan Drew, on Lathe 3 was Marco Baglioni, on Lathe 4 was Dave Line and on Lathe 5 was Daniel Stewart. John was to make a bud vase to match one he had made earlier, all the rest of the turners were working on small bowls of various woods and designs.
Here are a few pictures along with a little bit of text to help you follow the proceedings.

On Lathe 1 was John Ruickbie, picture 1, shows in the foreground one of the pair of vases John was to work on. Picture 2, John had made a photo board with all the steps required to make the vases. Picture 3, shows John’s clamping method, he did go on to elaborate on how the clamp was used. Picture 4, John now working on the 2nd vase.

Picture 5, here John can be seen setting up the drill in the tailstock in preparation to drill the hole for the liner. Picture 6, the turning almost complete and the parting off started. Picture 7, Here John is sealing and polishing his vase prior to the final parting off. Picture 8, The vase complete and matching the first one he did in order to give him the pair.

On Lathe 2 was Susan Drew, Susan was working on a Beech bowl, in Picture 1, she can be seen working the outside of the bowl, here creating the recess for the chuck. Picture 2, shows Susan having completed the turning on the outside she is now sanding to a finish. Picture 3, having completed the outside ,Susan has mounted it on the recess and is now working on the inside, here not far from finishing.

Here is Susan with her finished bowl, a very nice piece of Beech that was very nicely turned.

On Lathe 3 was Marco Baglioni, He too was making a small bowl, in Picture 1, he can be seen working on the outside. In Picture 2 Marco can be seen sanding the first of 2 mountings on the face of his bowl, he would go on to remount the chuck recess before continuing with the turning on the inside. In Picture 3 Marco can be seen using a power sanding system on his bowl.

In Picture 4, here Marco is working on the inside of his bowl, but he has set it with an offset in order to turn the inside on a different centre, this will achieve the offset Marco is looking for. Picture 5, here the 2nd chuck recess can be seen, it’s this offset that gives Marco the ability to get the bowl offset as can be seen in Picture 6.

On Lathe 4 was Dave Line, Dave was also working on a small bowl, here Dave is working on the outside of his bowl, creating the foot and the chuck recess and going on to shape the outside. In Picture2, Dave is now working the inside, he would go on to sand seal and polish the entire bowl.

Here is Dave Line with his finished bowl, his finish was excellent as was the turning.

On Lathe 5 was Daniel Stewart, Daniel was to make 3 small bowls in the time allocated, he choose to do the final finishing at home before bringing them back to be donated to the open day. On all 3 Pictures he can be seen working on a different one.

These were Daniel Stewart’s 3 bowls he made, there will be some finishing to be done by Daniel at home, but the fact he made 3 in such a short time was down to his ability to work quickly and more importantly accurately.

We have a viewing table for the members to see items that have been made by the club members, anyone can bring items in to show. At this meeting we had these items brought in. Items 1 to 4 are all by me and all contain some burr, they are all Elm. Item 5 was brought in by Dave Line, again it was made from a piece of Burr Elm. Items 6 & 7 were made by Marco Baglioni and both are Cherry. Items 4, 6 & 7 were all donated to the open day.
That concludes our meeting on the 20th June, we do hope you enjoyed seeing what was being worked on by the members.
And for the members do remember our next meeting has been brought forward by one day to Wednesday 3rd July because of the national elections.