Our Meeting on the 23rd December 2021 was our annual Christmas raffle draw, we had a total of 75 prizes to be drawn, 31 of which were donated by the membership, the rest were purchased by Jim Kelman from club funds supplied by our treasurer Cliff Sim. The sale of the Christmas Raffle tickets started back at the end of September and we continued to sell tickets at every meeting up to and including the 23rd of December, it was hugely successful netting our club a total of £393.50 towards our club funds. A huge thank you goes out to all those who donated prizes and those who purchased the raffle tickets.
The draw it’s self went very well, the turnout for the meeting was good but there were 20 prizes drawn that the purchasers were not present, I have supplied a list of the numbers drawn that were not present, if you have any of these numbers, your prize will be available to collect at any of the next few meetings, you will need to supply the corresponding ticket to claim your prize, most of them had names already on the drawn ticket, so I have also supplied some of the names that went with the drawn tickets.
If you have any ticket that has the AA or AD prefix and corresponds with the list provided you can claim the prize,
AA, 15,26,37,54,63,64,80,86,149,177. AD, 79,133,148,151,188, 200, 202,204,206,209.
Here are some of the winning names, David Ross, Douglas Stewart, Phil Moore, Dave Hutcheson, Tony Wilson, Richard Sawicki.

As most of you will be aware Jim Kelman suffered a minor stroke just a few weeks prior to the meeting draw, he had purchased most of these prizes just prior to his stroke and Pam Jim’s daughter assisted in completing the purchase, a huge thank you from our club to them both. We understand Jim is making a good recovery and we hope to see him back at the club in the near future.
Our first meeting of 2022 is on the 6th of January and it’s going to be a demonstration by Douglas Stewart on making wooden jewellery.