Our meeting on Thursday 29th February 2024 was the first of our Shield Competitions for 2024, Organized by Nick Simpson and assisted by David Hobson , Susan Drew , David Ross and Barry Cumming. The theme for the Competition was Honey Dippers, Pots and Lids.
The Novice category were required to make just a Honey Dipper, the Intermediate category were required to make a Dipper and a Pot, and the Open category were required to make a Dipper with a Pot and a Lid.
There were NO entries from the Novice category which was most disappointing. The Intermediate category had 4 entries, here again we would have liked to see more entries but those that did enter were of a very high standard for this category. The Open category had 5 entries, the numbers getting better, here too the standard was very high.
Here are some pictures of the entries and of the entries that received 1st and 2nd places.

We would have liked to have seen more entries in both of these categories, but those that were there were of a very high standard in both categories.

The organizers would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the winners, those in 2nd place and to all those who took the time to enter in any category. We look forward to our next Competition hoping to see an improved number of entries. The club would like to take this opportunity to thank all the judges for their impartial judging of the Competition.
In addition to the Competition the organizers had 4 lathes in operation, all doing different things whilst the judging was going on. Alan Smith was working on a bowl being made from a piece of Monkey Puzzle, Geoff Potter was making a Natural Edged Bowl from an Ash log. Daniel Stewart opted to make some Spurtles in various woods and Dave Line was working on one of his polychromatic assemblies.

Here are a few pictures of the turners at work.

Here we have Geoff Potter working on his Natural Edged Bowl made from a piece of Ash, in the final picture you can see Geoff using his powered sanding system to finish the bowl, Geoff’s work has got finer and finer as his experience grows, and this bowl was no exception, it turned out very nice indeed.

Here we have Daniel Stewart working on making a few Spurtles, Daniel was making them from various woods including pieces of Rowan and ended up making 9 during the course of the evening.

Here we have Alan Smith working on a bowl made from Monkey Puzzle, this wood although a little bland in nature can be very interesting if some of the branches are included in the bowl, Alan had chosen a piece with 2 branches coming off the main stem, both flew out as turning progressed but left behind some very interesting shapes where the branches were.

Here we have Dave Line working on a Polychromatic assembly, Dave had done all the assembly prior to coming to the meeting leaving the finish turning to be done inside and out. He used a bowl gouge on the outside and a deep hollowing tool for the inside. Bottom right picture gives you the scale of the number of pieces that this assembly was being made from.
That concludes the Competition and the turning that accompanied the event.
Our next meeting is on the 14th March and it’s going to be me doing a solo presentation on the use of Pebeo Paints in our woodturning, hope to see you all there.