Our meeting scheduled for Thursday 10th December 2020 should have been our Christmas Competition, this could not take place due to the ongoing situation with Covid-19 regulations still in place, instead we made it a virtual meeting and you were all invited to make something with a Christmas theme, it could have been anything at all as long as it was relevant to Christmas. The response was as usual very poor with the same few members putting in all the entries, those were Dave Line, David Ross, Nick Simpson, myself and I included a picture from Bill Henderson from a previous Christmas competition.
Here is just a taste of what’s in the gallery in this post,
I would have normally done this post in the picture gallery, however there are some gremlins in that system at present, so a standard post has been done instead, hopefully we can have the gremlins sorted out before the next post.
Our next meeting should be on the 7th January, it will be a virtual meeting on the subject of jewellery and would have been organised by Douglas Stewart.
I along with the HWC committee would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.
We can only hope next year will be better than this year and that we can get back to some near normal meetings.
Do remember the clubhouse remains closed.