Our Showtime meeting on the 29th April 2021 was to be organised by Geoff Potter and myself, but due to the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions this meeting had to be changed to a virtual meeting. Your were all asked to send me pictures of anything you had made recently, there was no actual criteria set down on what to make, we were just asking to see what you had been doing. There was a better response from our members for this meeting than had been the case over the last few months, and for this we are very pleased to see, I hope the increase in participation will continue.
Here are the pictures we did receive along with the text, first up we have Dave Line,
Hi Alec,
Please find attached a couple if items for showtime. 1st is me experimenting with Jo Sonja paints, it is made from Sycamore and measures 180mm dia and 30mm deep. 2nd is a lidded box, it measures 190mm high and 75mm dia. Wood not known (beech I think). Yes Dave the wood is Beech. After turning and bringing it indoors a crack about 3mm wide and 100mm long appeared in the body but when filled with superglue and sawdust turned out quite well. Picture 3 shows the filled in crack.
Stay safe Dave Line.

Next up is David Ross.
Hi Alec
How are you doing here are a few of the turnings I have been working on recently. The first two are of an undercut elm bowl measuring 50mm high x 160 diameter with three coats of Danish oil. 3 & 4 are off a vase made from Whitebeam and Goncola Alves 190mm high x 110 diameter finished with two coats sanding sealer two coats melamine and one of wax. 5 & 6 Is a natural edged vase of Burr Elm 90mm high x 120mm diameter with two coats Danish Oil with a few more coats to go on.
David Ross.

Now we have an entry from Craig Jules Pallister, and thank you Craig for taking part.
Hi Alec,
Here’s a couple of my first attempts as a newbie to turning. 1st An Ash fruit platter, finished to 400 grit then 2 coats of food safe measures 12 inches across and 1 inch thick.
Craig Jules Pallister.

The next entries are from Nick Simpson,
Hi Alec
Here are 3 pictures of items of treen which I have made over the past few weeks. They all feature in an article to come out in Woodturning magazine in June. The Wassail bowl was made from white beech which has been fumed in ammonia and then distressed and ‘antiqued’. The various others have all been distressed and antiqued. The method is detailed in the article.
Kind regards Nick Simpson.

Now we have another new contributor to the virtual meeting’s, these are from Uisdean Macbeth, and we were very pleased to see him contributing, next time Uisdean let me have some information on what you make.

Now for some picture of items that I have made over the past few months,

That concludes our viewing of the pictures sent in by our members, the next meeting will be on the 13th May, it too will be a virtual meeting organised by myself, the subject matter being, making wooden platters.
We are hoping for just as good a response or even better for the next meeting than that we received for this meeting, it was encouraging to see we have 2 new contributors and we would like to see even more of you taking part.
Do remember the clubhouse remains closed.