Virtual meeting 20-08-2020 workshop safety.

Our next virtual meeting is this Thursday 20th August 2020, it was going to be about workshop safety and was being organised by John Cheadle. John was going to do a presentation on various aspects of workshop safety, and in light of what’s happening at present with the Covid-19 his presentation would have been very appropriate. It is something we will be addressing as soon as we get back to anything like near normal, but there are going to have to be some changes for us to return to the club meetings, a few selected committee members have been working on the way forward but we still need to hear what the government have to say before we can put any changes to firstly the full committee members and then to all the club members.

You will have received an email from Geoff asking for your status and thoughts on how you would wish to approach opening the club again. I can tell you that 40 out of the 65 members have replied and only a handful have said they would need to wait for a vaccine, all the rest have welcomed the possibility of a return all be it with some qualifications. For those who have not replied to Geoff’s email I’m urging you all to do so A.S.A.P. it’s the only way we are going to be able to make a considered judgement on how we make the return.

If any of you have anything in particular concerning safety matters or PPE then send that information to us and we will include it in the next post.

I’m still looking for you all to take part in the virtual meeting by making anything you want or have made in the past and sending the pictures on to me, remember to add a bit of text. I’m going to do a timeline on how something was made, how about some of you doing the same, start with your blank or lump of wood and take photo’s of it frequently as you progress through whatever you are making, then send them all to me and I’ll post them on the web site, try to do it with about 12 to 20 pictures and don’t forget to tell us the species and the size and why you have made it.

This is going to be my timeline, it’s an Ash Gall that I’m starting with, see the next picture for what I will turn it into.
This is the finished item, my timeline will consist of about 20 pictures, showing you step by step how it was made.

You will have until Friday 21st August to get your pictures to me, so plenty of time to do a timeline.

Send your pictures to me at,

Do remember the clubhouse remains closed.

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